Archive for January, 2011

Thoughts on the Murders in Arizona

By Caomhin

No matter what, my thoughts and my prayers go out the victims and their families that were affected by the actions of a sociopathic lunatic.  This is exactly what the murderer, Jared Loughner is, a sociopath.  He is deserving of all of our scorn and our anger equally as much as the victims, their families, and friends are deserving of our thoughts, our prayers, and our deepest, most sincere condolences.

I can not imagine the horror that these men and women are going through. Simple words that I type here cannot express how I feel for them.  We all wish we could do more to help them and certainly, I believe, we hope that, God forbid, any of us were to be in a similar situation that we could conduct ourselves in such a gracious manner.

With regards to the political posturing, how dare all of you.  How dare you conduct yourselves in such a manner.  How dare you attempt to take away the feelings directed toward Jared Loughner and attempt to re-direct them in order to advance your political goals and ambitions.

A person such as Markos Moulitsas, who took to his twitter account to attempt to blame these atrocities on people with whom he disagreed with politically without uttering a single original though or word of concern for the victims.  A person such as Sherriff Clarence Dupnik, who in my opinion is teetering on obstruction of justice, who politically opines instead of focusing on the crime, the perpetrator, and the victims.  People such as Paul Krugman, and many, many others who openly sought to immediate exploit the suffering of others for the their agenda.  Your callousness and opportunism is beyond the pale.

This heinous crime is the fault of one person, Jared Loughner.  He should the person who is being scorned by the media and by the public and yet, here we are.  We should be praying for the victims, their family and friends, we should mourn those we have lost and pray for  the best for those who are recovering.  I hope Rep. Gabrielle Giffords recovers in full and quickly.  I only wish we could have saved those who passed away.  My heart goes out to you and I pray that God will give you comfort.  I wish I could do more for you than provide words.

Illinois To Lose Electoral Votes

By Caomhin

They raised income taxes by 66%.  That is not a type, this is what happens your Congress goes absolutely berserk and starts spending like there is no tomorrow.  Eventually tomorrow comes:

The hike increases the state’s personal income tax rate from 3 percent to 5 percent.

In real numbers, if your gross income is $50,000 a year, your state income taxes will rise from $1,500 to $2,500 a year.

The hike increases the state’s personal income tax rate from 3 percent to 5 percent.

In real numbers, if your gross income is $50,000 a year, your state income taxes will rise from $1,500 to $2,500 a year.

Addictions are hard to break.  The Illinois legislature is addicted to that sweet, sweet, taxpayer money.  I wonder how many people will begin to be behind on their own bills when they loose nearly $100 a month, will have to sacrifice things for their children, and otherwise suffer the consequences of an irresponsible legislature.   In short order you can expect the unemployment rate to increase in Illinois as lower levels of disposable income means less money being pumped into local businesses.  Couple that with the nearly doubling of the corporate income rates and that may not be a problem when businesses uproot and move out of their state.  Given the state of the economy expect people to follow as well.  As a result of the disaster they have created they have severely punished the people of Illinois and due to the impending migration that will most certainly occur, they will also lose electoral votes.  Keep an eye over the next few years how much the representatives to the Federal Government try to earmark to their state.  They will have to get money from somewhere.

Hack Ties Support of Tax Cuts to Supporting Slavery

By Caomhin

James W. Loewen, in his article in the Washington Post, entitled, “Five Myths About Why the South Seceded,” added this gem to his article:

So poor white Southerners supported slavery then, just as many low-income people support the extension of George W. Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy now.

Nice,  right?  This hack tries to equate lower tax rates to supporting slavery.  I can only imagine what he was smoking at the time he came up with that little ditty.  I suppose he doesn’t bother checking things like, oh I don’t know, facts.  Please refer to the chart on this previous post.  Oh those greedy people making between 26,250 and 32,550 in Adjusted Gross Income struggling to pay bills and feed their families and their 87% tax reduction from the Clinton tax rate they previously suffered from, they must be pro-slavery.  I wonder if Loewen even knows that the GOP was formed as an abolitionist party.  I wonder if he understands that the government does not own our incomes and our livelihoods or if he even cares.  What a hack.