Archive for February, 2009

Yes, The Delivery Could Have Been Better, But…

By Caomhin

I didn’t get a chance to see Gov. Bobby Jindal’s speech last night, but I was definitely excited about Gov. Jindal having the opportunity to speak to the American people.  At Marissa’s urging I went online and watched the speech.  Yes, the delivery for this particular speech was not great.  I thought overall it was solid though.  The substance was outstanding.  Gov. Jindal conveyed a great message in a very articulate, logical fashion.  No games, no flair, no non-sense.  In contrast, yes, Obama, is a very energetic and flamboyant speaker, but that’s OK.

Stylistically, I’ve seen Gov. Jindal on his game many times, and he is an excellent speaker, a man dedicated to the people of Louisiana and to our nation as a whole.  He’s one of those rare individuals who sweats the details and does so with great pride, protecting the citizens of his state.  That can not be understated nor should it be underappreciated.

Now, regardless of how he did last night, you know the hard left was going to denigrate him no matter what.  They were also going to praise Obama no matter what he did, evidenced by the fact that reviews about his speech were out literally hours before he actually gave the speech.  Left wingers have been playing for blood for quite some time and they will trash and demonize anyone whom they perceive to be a threat.  It’s business and personal with them.  I think the treatment of Gov. Palin is ample evidence of that.

I also got a chance to watch a clip of his appearance on the Today show from early Yesterday.

Good stuff.  I thought he did much better on the Today show.  He’s great away from the teleprompter; he’s better when he’s speaking from the heart and not the page, something that can’t be said about Obama.  Marissa has made that point about Obama for a long, long, time.

Gov. Jindal is correct with his arguments and assessments.  His logic is extremely solid.  What he lacked in flair he made up for in substance.  He meticulously scoured through the stimulus bill, rejecting the parts which would be harmful to citizens of Louisiana and encroached upon the rights of the state.  So if nothing else, we know at least one person who actually took the time to read the bill, analyze it, and understand it.  That’s more than anyone in Washington did.  That’s real leadership.  That’s responsibility.  That’s the kind of thing we need in this nation.

Another Day, Another Trillion Dollars

By Caomhin

$1.044 Trillion to be little more exact, not that the extra $44 Billion should be ignored, but sufficed to say that the numbers are always growing, and always under-reported from our friends in the media.  First up, another $410 Billion spending bill (on top of the stimulus, mind you) stuffed with literally, “thousands” of earmarks, something already getting staunch support from known pork-lover Harry Reid.  Defending the indefensible and irresponsible is becoming all too common among our so called Congressional “leaders”, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  Shortly after taking a massive loan from future generations of Americans with such vital programs as buying greener golf carts, they’re back at it again.

Remember when we kept telling people over and over again how a Democratic controlled House, Senate, and Presidency would make the deficits of the Bush years seem like chump change?  Recall, also, how we stated that they would just spend wildly and blatantly ram earmarks down the American’s people throats in violation of the trust of the American people?  Yea, we said many of things along these lines and were blasted by liberals who simply scream and wail anytime they are questioned.  Yea, well, proof is in the pudding.  Anyone still think they’re not going to get their taxes raised sometime in the not too distant future?  Remember, wealthy to liberals is defined simply as “employed.”

So that brings me to the second of today’s announcements of the coming heroin-addict like spend fest (yes, we’re far beyond Sen.. John McCain’s comparisons of Congress spending money like a drunken sailor, very far beyond that).  Obama is looking for a “down payment” (yea, down payment, not total funding, mind you) of $634 Billion for his health care program.  Still think we’re not heading for socialized medicine?  Anyone?  They keep saying no, but recall that there were provisions in the stimulus bill that gave the Federal Government more control of your personal health care now coupled with a massive spending request and this is just “getting started”.  After all, that’s what a down payment is, right?  After all, if it was one and done (which would still be yet another staggering debt being tacked onto the backs of Americans) it would be called a “purchase.”

For those keeping track at home, and I know I certainly am, we’re now at over $4 Trillion dollars spent by Congress and Obama in less than 5 weeks on the job.  Over $1 Trillion here, $2 Trillion for the coming TARP 2.0 (not technically spent yet, but they’re planning for it’;  anyone want to bet on it’s passage?), and over $1 trillion dollars for Porkfest 2009 when interest charges are calculated.  Still, they keep blaming President Bush for this, but guess what?  He’s not in office anymore.  He’s not the one authorizing this spending and signing off on it.  The national debt has skyrocketed since Obama and the 111th Congress took their respective oaths…and it WILL get worse.

Exclusive Photo From Tuesday’s Speech!


Tit for Tat

By: Riss

This quick entry is for fun because I can’t even bare the thought of going down the road on Obama’s Congressional Address last night or Jindal’s embarrassing delivery of a wonderful GOP message.  Next time Governor Jindal, please try not to sound so much like Ben Stein. You are the hope of many young Republicans and we love you!

Anyway, not that we didn’t already know it, but Joe Biden is a complete moron.  I wonder if our Almighty President bangs his head off a wall every time Biden speaks?  I know that I would…

I felt compelled to post this because of how mad I was when everyone said that John McCain was out of touch…tit for tat.  I can sleep better now.

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We love China

By Riss

It’s insanely clear that Hillary loves her some fried wontons. Oh I declare…


“We have to incur more debt.  It would not be in China’s interest if we were unable to get our economy moving,” Clinton said.  Really Hillary?  It would be in our best interest to not be so tangled up with China if you really sat on the giant rear and thought about it for a hot minute…

Clinton also stated that “The US needs the investment in Treasury to shore up its economy to continue to buy Chinese products.”  UGH, so gross.

“I certainly do think that the Chinese government and central bank are making a smart decision by continuing to invest in treasury bonds,” she said during an interview with the show “One on One.” “It’s a safe investment. The United States has a well-deserved financial reputation.”  Haha, not so much Hillary! Right now the US looks like a bunch of freaks in a circus act to the rest of the world. I love that Hillary thinks that China owes us something, they don’t!  We owe them!  Maybe we can give Hillary up as a down payment?  Obama can throw Hilldawg under the bus and say, when we pay you back you can give her back.  What a smile that would bring to my face!  The sad thing is even China wouldn’t want her.  Clearly, all the drama our Messiah has brought to the table has made me lose my mind! AH!

Is anyone else as concerned as I am that we are in some serious debt with China?  We owe China so much money my head wants to roll off my neck.  China is the largest US Treasury holder with over $695 billion worth of securities in December. Creepy? YOU BET IT IS!  China is so invested in OUR country that even if they wanted to bail out on us, they can’t because they would take such a giant loss and their country would fail.  Fail even more then our already debt destroyed country.  Recently Luo Ping (head of China’s Banking Commission) said “the dollar is going to depreciate so, we hate you guys, but there is nothing much we can do.”

Great, I feel so much more relaxed that China hates us…not that we didn’t know they hate us, but our economic crisis is really inflating the hate.  It’s obviously clear that we need China more then they need us, so what happens when China gets fed up? Just a friendly reminder, China is a communist country which depending on how you look at it isn’t too far off from our almost Socialist country, so  maybe they will give us a free pass.  Maybe Obama and Hillary will be able to save us from the scorn China.  I guess this is where the Obama supporters come into play, they have so much HOPE that maybe it will be enough to make even China believe in the Messiah.

Doubtful…it will be interesting to watch this play out…my insides are burning.

On a side note, I find it to be insanely hilarious that Hillary went on a tour of Asia and Obama’s big international trip was to Canada. Generally it’s a president’s first trip, but I thought he was going to be the new cool President? Obama probably got some tips on socialism and on how the US and Canada can sing kum-bi-ya on global warming. That’s some change we can believe in. Just saying…

Kudos to Michelle Bachmann

The GOP Representative from Minnesota penned an entry in The Hill’s Congress Blog which is well worth giving a full read.  Rep. Bachmann, rightfully supported by The Club for Growth during her successful re-election campaign, hits on numerous points while explaining the dangers of the United States keeping the corporate tax rates at such high levels.  Here’s a snippet:

This might come as a surprise to you, but the United States is near the top of the list of industrialized countries with the highest corporate tax rates.

You may be asking yourself “so what,” or “who cares,” but it’s important to recognize that lower corporate tax rates result in attracting more investment capital. A reduction of the federal corporate tax rate would increase firms’ productivity and investment incentives, and ultimately stimulate our nation’s long-term competitiveness by enhancing economic freedom.  The end result would be a boon to your family budget.

It’s a quick read and very much worth your time. 

Michael Steele is On Point

by Caomhin

There’s a nice article in the Washington Times today about Michael Steele’s efforts to help rebuild and re-brand the GOP.  Described as a hip-hop makeover, Steele is going to do something that has been needed to be done for quite a long time and is sorely overdue:  start voicing the message of personal freedom and limited government as loudly as possible to younger people, the inner-cities, and minority groups.  I’m an avid listener of underground hip-hop and it comprises about 95% of my music catalog, but hip-hop isn’t just music, it’s a lifestyle and a culture as well.

I’ve long since wondered why there was never a true effort to spread our effort through an organized means to the people of my generation.  It’s mind boggling really.  I’m glad that Chairman Steele will not make the same mistake and simply ignore our demographic.  I’ve had many a conversation and numerous debates with my friends who are die hard Democrats but have never truly given a reason as to why other than to provide a false argument of, “Republicans are only for the rich.”  We know that’s simply not true, but there has, for whatever reason, been no coordinated effort on behalf of the party to reach out to other groups while providing our approaches and ideas rather than simply pointing out the fatal flaws in the Democrats’ arguments.

I think it’s pretty apparent that we’re far behind on utilizing the Internet on the Party level in order to spread our message.  The Right Wing Blogosphere has done a great job in this effort, especially in demonstrating that Republicans come from a wide array of lifestyles having a great sense of humor and a passion and dedication to many issues.  In some ways, I think the Republican Party would best be served to at least maintain libertarian traditions of great leaders like Ronald Reagan, Calvin Coolidge, and others.  We are not the party who should be ostracizing people for not towing the Party lines at all times, but at the core of our principles must be the dedication to limited government and lower taxes.  These are the corner stones of individual freedom and we must never forget that.  The plans and the paths that we forge going forward must always keep those principles in mind and we must remain totally dedicated toward these efforts.  Should we stick to these convictions and bring our message to the areas that have wrongfully been neglected in the past, we will rebuild our party stronger than ever with a new fueled passion that will resonate throughout the nation and swell our ranks.

The First of What Will Undoubtedly be Many More Bailouts is Coming

by Caomhin

Today, Obama announced his new foreclosure aid initiative, another massive government spending initiative in the realm of $75 billion dollars.  Fox Business has a solid write up on this new wealth redistribution effort which is most definitely worth the read.  Here’s a choice selection to serve as a teaser:

The administration’s plan will assist “the people most in need,” a source told FOX Business. But some families in danger of losing their homes – such as families in which one spouse has lost a job, thus cutting the family’s income significantly — will not be able to qualify because they just won’t earn enough income to pay even lower mortgage payments, sources said.

Once again, the government is going to intervene and decide winners and losers.  There is no constitutional justification for these types of actions and they fly in the face or capitalism.  The administration is not hiding the fact that they are vigorously pursuing socialist policies.

They are insisting, of course, that there will be strict guidelines to be followed, so rest assured, if you are $1 over their threshold, you will get no help.  If you borrowed responsibly and lived within your means, you can rest easy that the money being withheld from your paycheck will go to those companies and individuals who did not.  Remember, the housing market bubble was built up through government intervention and the Democrats refusal to admit there were massive problems with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when Republicans called for investigations back in 2006.  Now, Obama and his cohorts are screaming at the world that the sky is falling and that if we do not do exactly as they say, the world will come to a crashing halt.  Hope, indeed.

Many people signed contracts knowingly or at least having some sense that they would not be able to keep up with the increasing payments in the future.  I do not believe these people should be rushed to the front of the lines for help, nor do I believe it is ethical to finance our problems on future generations.  At some point, the task falls to us to fix these situations and extreme challenges and accept responsibility for our actions.  How many people did the right thing and took out loans which they reasonably expected to pay and were approved in accordance with what they could actually afford that are suffering?  What right does the government have to tell them that because they lived within their means and were responsible that they will not receive help?

The truth of the matter is that times will get better, if we let the free market run its course.  The economy will always have upturns and downturns, these shifts are inevitable.  Short term assistance in the form of tax cuts (after all, many people who could not afford houses, and knew they couldn’t are responsible RENTERS) would greatly help the citizens of America by immediately putting more money in their pockets with which they would be FREE to decide how to spend.  Liberals howl that they may not spend this money and it won’t help the economy.  Well, lending institutions need liquidity as well, which will make loans more accessible and credit flow more easily with a cash infusion through deposits, IF people decide to save their money.  If they decide to spend their money, more companies will see sales rise,  but either way, more money is entering the marketplace with citizens free to choose to do with their own money as they will.

The government has no right to decide winners and losers, to arbitrarily decide who it will help, and who it shall not.  Targeted tax cuts and limited actions beneficial to all citizens are the only policies which the government has a constitutional right in which to engage.  As deviations occur, it is the duty of the citizens to voice opposition against these actions and to call our elected officials to task.

UPDATEDI spoke too soon, the plan is actually for $275 Billion.  They didn’t fully release all the details at once (surprise, surprise).  Obama and the Liberals in charge of Congress are spending money like a drunk college freshman with their first credit card.  Except in this scenario, we’re the one’s who are going to have to deal with it when they max it out.  For those keeping record, we’re now well over $3 trillion dollars spent by the Obama administration in just about 4 weeks ($2 trillion for the coming TARP Part 2, $1 Trillion for Porkfest 2009, and $275 billion here) with much more to come, I”m sure.  GM and Chrysler are already back at the trough.

Audacity of a Dope

By: Brian S.

Campaign promises broken, Lies and Deception, Vacations Abound, Tell me it isn’t so………Well people I wish I was lying but unfortunately I am not. I just got back from Florida and happened to have the privilege of being within  20 miles of the “Great One” (Sorry Wayne Gretzky the man stole your moniker) and his first Town Hall Meeting held in Fort Meyers Florida. While some of you may have got the snippets on a cable news channel I got the full monty on local TV down in FLA.  All I can say is wow. Where the hell has our country gone. I felt like I was watching a evangelical healing seminar and I was taken back to the movie Holy Roller where Steven Martin bilks the people out of money while he supposedly “Heals” people in his audience from terminal illnesses.
There was a woman who made all the cable news outlets with her plea for a home. She told “the Great One” her story about how she was homeless and living with her son in their car at the local park. All of a sudden Obama came off his Alter and laid his healing hand on the ladies head and poof a Republican from the district gave this woman a roof over her head. For a second there I thought she would fall backwards into the hands of the audience like those crazy preachers we have seen in the past who cure cancer with a hand to the head and a $500 check written to cash in the preachers name.
Then just when I thought I had seen it all, up pops a 20 year old degenerate wearing an “KING OBAMA” t-shirt. He saw the healing happening and he thought Obama could provide him full time work. He currently works part time at a local fast food joint and he was looking for some more benefits. What the hell….oh I got it Obama the union negotiator was up on stage. I started thinking what I could do for this kid that obviously he missed out on when the rest of us were paying attention in school and learning. I have no clue who to blame here. My guess is its the school system for starters as well as very neglectful parents.
I found myself saying first we will give you a shower, then we will teach you to read, then we will teach you to dress properly, then we will teach you how to act in public but then I realized he wants no part of this plan I have for him but rather he just wanted to be given something for free. This went on for entirely too long as minion after minion went to the crown prince asking for the weekly reparations.
When has this country guaranteed equal results for less then equal efforts. I know Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit of Happiness is a right I also realize that it doesn’t guarantee equal results. When has being lazy become a profession.
As a side note why the hell was that bill signed with 8 hours notice and absolutely nobody actually read it……I thought the earth would implode if it wasn’t signed by Friday and what about that poor elected official who had to hustle back on the taxpayers dollar from his mothers wake to put the final nail in Americas Coffin.  Oh I forgot Obama had to wine and dine his beast and shoot some pick up hoops. Talk about pulling the wool over the American people eyes. Wake up people we are only a decision or two away from being Russia.



By Riss

Pre election when the sun was shining straight from President Obama’s rear and hope was brought to light for some because of it. Hardy Har Har.

Rumor on the streets is that Obama will sign the Spending Bill Tuesday.

I was just on the White House website looking for the clarity and transparency of the Spending Bill and there isn’t anything posted! No more secrecy Mr. President? What happened to every Bill being posted online for all to read? What happened to us being informed of any pork project that lands on your desk? The Bill is filled with 75% of complete PORK and the remaining 25% is tax cuts which will basically not benefit anyone.  Hope, change and um uh um, dare I say it… lies!

Are you getting it now America? This Administration does not care about you or your money.  They do not care if you are struggling to put food on the table, they do not and will not EVER care.

President Obama considers this Bill “a major milestone to our road to recovery.” Really? It’s the exact opposite President Obama, it’s just (in transparent terms) the road to our demise.  Although, our roads will be smooth from paving and the bridges sturdier because of it. It makes me giggle actually, all the people looking for a handout from Obama could careless about our infrastructure.  Oops, look what you voted for? More giggles.  Sadness of the loss of hope is looming.  Sorry hope seekers, try educating yourself before you vote next time.

Congratulations on your milestone Mr. President, I hope you are enjoying a nice fatty slice of bacon this morning.