Archive for June, 2009

Kill the Cap and Tax, Take Action!

By Caomhin

Hope you’re on Twitter today following all the action and putting in some work to stop the Cap and Trade Job Killing Monster.  If you’re looking to sway some votes, here you go:


Vern Buchanan (FL-13): 202-225-5015
Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-05): 202-225-1002
Joseph Cao (LA-02): 202-225-6636
Vern Ehlers (MI-03): 202-225-3831
Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ-11): 202-225-5034
Jim Gerlach (PA-06): 202-225-4315
Tim Johnson (IL-15): 202-225-2371
Mark Kirk (IL-10): 202-225-4835
Chris Smith (NJ-04): 202-225-3765
Jeff Fortenberry (NE-01): 202-225-4806


Leonard Lance (NJ) 202-225-5361


Jason Altmire (D-PA-04): 202-225-2565
Bobby Bright (D-AL-02): 202-225-2901
Frank Kratovil (D-MD-01): 202-225-5311
Walt Minnick (D-ID-01): 202-225-6611
Chet Edwards (D-TX-17): 202-225-6015
Brad Ellsworth (D-IN-08): 202-225-4636
John Boccieri (D-OH-16): 202-225-3876
Travis Childers (D-MS-01): 202-225-4306
Kathy Dahlkemper (D-PA-03): 202-225-5406
Mark Schauer (D-MI-07): 202-225-6276
Gary Peters (D-MI-09): 202-225-5802
Larry Kissell (D-NC-08): 202-225-3715
Lincoln Davis (D-TN-04): 202-225-6831
Chris Carney (D-PA-10): 202-225-3731
Steve Driehaus (D-OH-01): 202-225-2216
Harry Teague (D-NM-02): 202-225-2365
Joe Donnelly (D-IN-02): 202-225-8333
Ciro Rodriquez (D-TX-23): 202-225-4511
Harry Mitchell (D-AZ-05): 202-225-2190
Betsy Markey (D-CO-04): 202-225-4676
Alan Grayson (D-FL-08): 202-225-2176

The U.N. – Useless Neanderthals

By Riss

Below, a blog entry on HuckPAC by Mike Huckabee.

June 24, 2009 – 12:52 PM
Danger Ahead
by Mike Huckabee

Most of the world is focused on events occurring on a daily basis in Iran. While that is certainly understandable, there is another dangerous situation going on that we all must pay attention to. North Korea presents a real threat to the security of the world.
Kim Jong-il, the present leader of North Korea is clearly mentally unbalanced. He heads a secretive, communist regime which tolerates no dissent. North Korea’s economy is in shambles. The country has been hit by natural disasters, poor planning and a failure to modernize. Aid agencies have estimated that up to two million people have died in North Korea since the mid 1990s because of severe food shortages.
In 2002, the tyrannical Kim-Jong-il, added to the misery of his people by announcing that he had decided to reactivate a nuclear reactor and to expel international inspectors. The United Nations has made feeble and weak attempts to deal with the continuing threat of North Korea to become a nuclear power. As the United Nations spends time drafting a really strong letter in its traditionally meaningless and misguided dysfunction, the burden remains on the United States and China to find a way to contain the growing threat posed by North Korea.
North Korea has nothing to lose. Vice President Biden said that President Obama would be tested by foreign leaders within six months of becoming President. It hasn’t taken that long. It’s a dangerous situation to have a nation such as North Korea hold the capacity to launch a nuclear weapon. It’s equally dangerous when that country is led by a maniacal dictator, who is accountable to no one, even his own people. When both are present it becomes a crisis.
Today the United States Navy is tracking a North Korean ship, believed to be carrying dangerous nuclear materials. Unfortunately, our Navy is being restricted from taking any action by the inept United Nations, which has adopted language requiring any Government wishing to inspect a cargo, to ask permission to do so. The UN resolution says that vessels suspected of breaking the embargo must undergo inspection, either on the high seas or at port. But any inspection depends on the cooperation of a ship’s captain.
How the Obama Administration handles this situation will tell the American people a lot about what we can expect from the President in dealing with foreign crisis. We can only hope that while President Obama is busy running car companies and banks he doesn’t forget that the world is a very dangerous place, especially when an unbalanced dictator is launching missiles and setting off underground nuclear tests just because he wants to.



So what questions are rolling around in my head right now? Will Obama have the stones to go over the UN’s head and let the Navy inspect that ship? Or will he wait until we get bombed to do something about it? Or better yet, will he do anything at all?

I guess on the evening of The Obama Healthcare-A-Thon on ABC, it really leaves a person wondering, what the hell are we in for? And how much danger is to come.  BHO’s oh hum attitude with all the things going on in the world right now is really making me mental.

ABC News Fail

By Caomhin

Everyone is familiar with the situation in Iran, this is the biggest story in the  world right now, with nearly every network reporting on the events from Tehran.  For those of you on Twitter, you should be checking out #iranelection, if you are not currently doing so (but I suspect that 99.9% of you are).  Twitter has been crucial for the Iranian people and for those of us seeking to keep on top of the events.

So with this immensely important story going on the guys over at Hotair pointed out MSNBC’s ridiculous programming  last night that consisted of re-runs of prison life.  Pathetic.  Fox and CNN (yes, CNN) did an excellent job of covering the news last night.  Also, we saw that Obama went out for ice cream while protestors were being shot at, showing great courage in the face of the evil Cookiepuss who is ruthlessly suppressing Fudgie the Whale and others.  Way to set that example Obama, I’m sure the people of Iran are on the edge of their seats awaiting whether you’ll get a Snickers or a Milky Way today while they again rise up for freedom.    Subsequently, Patterico has an excellent compare and contrast piece on Obama’s Big Ice Cream Adventure as reported by CBS and what was going on in Iran.  It’s a must read.

So while you may have thought that MSNBC and CBS were doing horrific jobs of reporting the news, well, worse than their usually steaming pile of trash, you may not have visited ABC News last night on the web.  Out of curiosity I decided to look at the homepages of each of the major networks last night, around 1:45 am EST.  All of them had at least a mention of the events in Iran, well, all but one.  ABC is so far in the tank for Obama that they are giving him his own infomercial (rumor has it Vince from the Shamwow commercial may be making a special appearance) that will not allow the opinions and ideas of those opposing Obama’s horrific plan to even appear in advertisements.  So with the biggest news story rapidly unfolding before our eyes, what did ABC’s home page look like?  Here is your answer:


Lies, Lies, and More Lies

By Caomhin

Let me say this flat out, I am opposed to socialized medicine in any shape or form and while Democrats are out saying that this is not their proposal, this is the groundwork to move us there.  Socialized medicine will have adverse effects on every citizen in this nation, lower the quality of care, make procedures more difficult to come by, lower the number of practicing doctors, and have many other negative effects on our health care system.  Opening competition in the free market and capping lawsuit limits are the two most effective ways in lowering cost and improving quality but Democrats will not pursue either as: 1. they hate the free market and true competition, 2. they will always and forever desire to expand the size and scope of government, and 3.  they do not have the backbone to stand up to the trial lawyers who stuff their coffers.  I just needed to mention this briefly as I will at some point in the future write a post that covers socialized medicine in more detail.

So why the title, “Lies, Lies, and More Lies,” for this particular post?  Easy.  Remember when Obama said that he would not raise your taxes “one cent” if you made less than $200,000?  He was blatantly lying.  If you smoke cigarettes than you already know this as he has increased your taxes already.  As Democrats seek more ways to strip you of your paycheck, I refer you this article on My Way News, I’ve taken the liberty of highlighting certain sections here below:

A proposal to help bankroll universal health coverage with a dime-a-can increase in the price of soft drinks.

Also under consideration are higher alcohol taxes, increases to the Medicare payroll tax and a value-added tax, a sort of national sales tax, of up to 1.5 percent or more.

The tax options include:

– Increasing the price of soda and other sugary drinks by 10 cents a can.

– Applying a potential 2 percent income tax increase to single taxpayers earning more than $200,000 a year and households earning more than $250,000.

– A new employer payroll tax could target 3 percent of employers’ health care expenditures.

– Taxing employer-provided health insurance benefits above certain levels – a less likely option but one that still is in the running.

So unless you never drink soda or alcohol, have a job (ala Medicare withholding from your paycheck), purchase any goods (the value-added tax will result in an increase in prices for all manufactured goods), have a free market group health care plan through work and utilize that plan, than, yes, your taxes are going up under this debacle.  This of course, is another service being provided to you by your Democratic Congress.

Let us also consider this, the weak dollar via the flooding of new dollars in circulation and debt is essentially causing an inflation tax.  The more dollars in circulation, the less valuable the dollar is, which causes inflation (and I truly believe we are headed toward hyperinflation with the increase in money supply and continually low interest rates imposed by the Fed) so while you may have the same income, goods become more expensive to buy, thus lowering your purchasing power.  Feel a little better now?  Also consider that Obama is gearing up to raise your taxes, and you can see the curtain being pulled back slowly but surely.  His Porkfest bill as a giant fail, unemployment numbers are even higher than he had projected if he HAD DONE NOTHING, yet here we are with just about 10% unemployment, a number Obama himself admits that will be eclipsed.  Also consider, the less people that are working, the less money there is for the government to get their hands on which will further increase our unbelievable amount of debt.  They’re going to come after anything they can, believe me.

What’s also important to note here is that they are also targeting specific products, again picking some industries over others, more market manipulation on their behalf.  Democrats are very easy to understand with their regards to tax, if it exists, tax it.   They have exploded the national debt and spending to the point where we are moving rapidly towards a path of being in debt so far that we may never be able to pay it back and the as the payments to our creditors increases they will seek more  revenue in order to meet their payments for these harebrained and anti-free market schemes of theirs and we’re going to be the ones suffering for it.  Now more than ever it is time to take a stand and demand fiscal responsibility from all of our elected leaders on the Federal, state, and local levels.


By To Our Republic


Please pray for the people of Iran and the people who are standing up to tyranny.  Do not give up hope, freedom can be yours. God bless.


It’s Been Awhile…far too long actually…

By Riss

I know, I know, I have been silenced by Obama’s Administration, sucking on cigarettes, booze and popping pills like it was 1969 all over again. Oh wait, I think people were far more free then. Anyway, I just have a few things I need to get off my chest…this will probably not be my classiest post, but that’s just how I am feeling these days.

Ok, so I am a few weeks late in saying or I guess calling Contessa Brewer out.  She is basically begging for me to call her out…WATCH.


It goes without saying, a woman with a brain would really be bothered by being called a slut.  It apparently doesn’t bother Contessa Brewer. So, ok, here goes,  Contessa Brewer, you are an ignorant slut! WOO, I feel so much better. Not popping a percocet better, but damn close. I love Ziegler though, you handle the clowns on MSNBC with such poise and that has got to be difficult!


SENATOR Barbara Boxer.  I mean really, you have to love to hate this bitch, no?  Can you even stand the audacity of this bitch?  How dare you SENATOR Boxer, you are a disgrace to public office and a disgrace to this country.  HOW DARE YOU!  She offends me, so I will not post a clip of her ignorance and the way that she spoke to one of our country’s best.  You SENATOR are a very small person, quite pathetic actually.  Your job is to serve your country and your constituents and not care about your big bad title.  You were voted for, which is scary in itself, stupid Californians.  Please don’t be offended California, but if you are a conservative living in California, how come you haven’t moved yet? What a nightmare! Anyway, Brigadier General Michael Walsh has done far more then you will ever do with your pathetic existence and guess what? HE HAS HONOR.   Hey Babs, aren’t you up for reelection in 2010?  Hopefully I can help your constituents wake up and guarantee you do not get a 4th term.  You are far too superior to be a SENATOR, next up for you Babs, cleaning toilets with the toothbrush that cleans that filthy mouth of yours.  It’s probably an upgrade for you though.

I would just like to wrap this up by saying, Brigadier General Michael Walsh, thank you for all that you do for our country. Thank you.

Why the Silence on PMA?

By Caomhin

Just to put add another thought on Media Bias today, you should really ask yourself: if the Jack Abramoff scandal was covered at near the levels of the Clinton Impeachment Trials, then why is the mainstream media ignoring the PMA scandal?  The answer, of course, is self apparent, more flank covering from the media.  The PMA scandal, in all scope and manner is much larger than that of the Abramoff scandal and both are utterly disgusting.  Government, in order for us to be free, must not be bought and sold but answerable only to the people that give it power in order to govern.

It is with utter contempt that our “leaders” have continually sold us out and we can no longer stand for this nonsense.  Throw everyone involved in matters such as these out.  If the political party you prefer is involved, than you better find someone to run against the incumbent in the primary in order to correct the situation or vote for the opposition in the general because if you don’t your a hypocrite and an enabler.

With regards to PMA, we have known for years, YEARS, just how corrupt people like John Murtha are and yet they have continually returned to Capital Hill term after term.  The Democrats have been anything but the “most ethical” Congress ever, despite Pelosi saying it (here’s a tip Nancy, saying something doesn’t make it true, but then again we all know you’re a filthy liar) she has run from any and all responsibilities and appearance of ethical behavior and open government.  She is not fit to lead a car onto the highway let alone the House of Representatives.  You’ll recall she wanted to elevate, Murtha, a man already known to be under investigation to her number two position.

The latest update is brought to us by The Hill where an investigation is going to begin (assuming of course the Democrats don’t later block it).  The takeaway from this article:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) offered the resolution approved by the House. The move was aimed at giving vulnerable Democrats political cover as Republicans offered resolutions to investigate the PMA group and its ties to lawmakers.

That’s right.  Not to enforce the laws, protect the people, or ensure ethical behavior by our elected officials, this investigation is only being approved by Steny Hoyer in order to protect Democrats who have broken the law.  Inexcusable.  Hoyer and those who sold out the American people for personal gain all need to go.

Obama: If you Give me Enough Money, I’ll Give you an Ambassadorship

By Caomhin

It is repulsive that the media just keeps right no ignoring the fact that Obama is paying back his big time campaign donors by giving them Ambassadorships.  In Obama’s Administration, you can easily buy your way into key positions.  All that talk of transparency and making government work for the “average” person? Hahaha.  We’re hitting our “I Told You So” button yet again. The spoils system is alive and well with Obama.

It is disgraceful that any politician would follow this path, especially the President of this nation.  There is no excuse for this, but don’t think for one minute that you’re going to see this issue pressed upon by the mainstream media, whom by the way, overwhelmingly donated to Obama as well.  It appears that they mainstream media is now the Press Ambassador, gladly providing cover to Obama’s flank by failing to do the duties for which they are tasked to do.  If nothing else, the media has already destroyed any credibility it had left.

Obama’s Job Claim Without Merit, On the Other Hand…

By Caomhin

As I said on Twitter earlier, “I am saving or creating 500 jobs by sending this tweet.”  Go ahead and prove me wrong.  Even the slightest effort on your part would be more than the media would have done to research Obama’s outlandish claim that the stimulus has thus far “saved or created” 150,000 jobs so far and he now promises to “save or create” 600,000 by blowing through his Porkfest even faster, even as it has failed already, with unemployment sitting at 9.6%.  His economic policies are the worst this nation has seen since Jimmy Carter by far, and probably since the Great Depression.  Should the economy not be growing positively by end of this month, we will be in a depression as we will have had far more than two quarters of negative GDP growth.  Yes, Obama has done nothing to prevent the first true depression this nation has seen since the 1920’s.  No matter what his friends in the media says, his policies have plunged us into a depression, and no spin on 9.6% unemployment is going to mask the truth.  Take a gander at this article from November 17th, 2008, well after his win in the polls and when President Bush was involving Obama in all matters economic:

The jobless rate, now at a 14-year high of 6.5 percent, will climb to 7.5 percent by the end of 2009, according to the median forecast.

Yes he can!….destroy the US economy and complete ruin millions of people’s lives with his worthless Stimulus bill that now has increased unemployment by a full 2.1% higher than the projects from the time he won the election, 21% increase in the unemployment rate.  Does that sound like it’s working to you?  Think that’s helping anyone?

Also pretty pathetic is the lack of transparency by the administration, something he promised he would increase.  Really?  Then how come not even members of his own party are capable of reading the bills that his administration is forcing upon the Legislature?  For that matter, if we’re to assume that 150,000 jobs have been saved so far, and let’s be generous and say five months since the passage of Porkfest, then assuming all spending is even (which it is not), the 787 billion was supposed to be spent over 24 months.  What’s that work out to per month?  787/24 = $32.79 billion dollars per month.  With five months passed, then we can reasonably assume that $32.79 (with a remainder) billion * 5 has been spent thus far, which is a total of $163.95 Billion dollars.   So 163.95 billion (total dollars spent) / 150,000 jobs “saved or created” works out to an average $1,093,000 per job.  That’s right, it takes Obama’s administration $1,093,000 to create a single job with stimulus money, worse yet, that’s assuming he’s telling the truth, which he’s not.  There’s no real way to judge this, payrolls are declining, unemployment is way higher than even his chief economists had predicted, and we’re still losing jobs.  We’re going to be up over 10% unemployment damn soon, and part of that is because of his policies and spending packages.

One last point I want to make here, which is, the “on the other hand,” portion referenced in the title, Obama is claiming he will “save or create” 600,000 jobs over the summer, but then you should factor this in as well, from the Washington Times:

A repeal of rules that govern the way the United States taxes the foreign earnings of American companies would make U.S. companies less competitive abroad, weaken their investments and lead to job losses at home, says a new economic report.

The report, authored by Robert J. Shapiro, a former Clinton Administration economic official, and Aparna Mathur, a research fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, found that as many as 2.2 million American jobs could be put at risk by a repeal or scaling-back of the so-called corporate “tax deferral” law, a provision that allows companies to delay paying taxes.

Think Microsoft was kidding when they threatened to move more jobs overseas if Obama and his liberal army on Capital Hill move forward with punishing and crippling American companies with higher tax rates?  He’s not going to back down from this, I don’t believe either.  So then in addition to “positive” data if you believe the MSM of hundreds of thousands of people becoming unemployed last month, we’re staring at another 2.2 million more Americans out of work from just one of Obama’s relatively small policies.  I guess we can say he is simply PREVENTING AND DESTROYING JOBS.

Arlen Specter’s Speech PA Democrats Meeting Broken Down

By Caomhin

I’ve just decided to post the whole speech.  Of course, I’ve made some modifications to his speech to ensure the facts are protected and honesty is properly conveyed to the audience.  I have replace the filthier lies with the accurate portrayals of his views and opinions with handy strike-throughs and bold text edits:

Senator Arlen Specter

Prepared Text

June 6, 2009

Thank you for that very warm introduction. Your warmth and enthusiasm make me feel very welcome. I have so many friends there are so many suckers in this room.

Maybe it’s no coincidence that I feel so comfortable with Democrats because I’ve spent much of my life as a Democrat. My career voting record will accurately portray thisMaybe it’s no coincidence that for many years I was derided by the far right as a Republican in name only.

Well I’m no longer a Republican in name only. I’m again a Democrat in name only. And I’m pleased and proud to be a Democrat to have run away from Pat Toomey.

My memories are bright from my boyhood days when the politics and policies of Franklin Delano Roosevelt were a beacon of light in the Specter home. Both of my parents, Lillie and Harry Specter, were immigrants – so-called “little guys” who looked to President Roosevelt to move the country forward from the Depression which hit the Specter family so hard. Because as we all know, the Specter family is the only thing that matters to me.

Years later in 1960, I was there when Senator John F. Kennedy came to the Democratic City Committee dinner in Philadelphia and my wife Joan, 8 months pregnant with our second son, Stephen, stood on a chair and screamed for the Senator from Massachusetts to kindly ask Teddy to stop hitting on her.

I knew John’s brother Bobby personally and some of my convictions in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office followed up on Attorney General Kennedy’s work.

And I left my wife and two young sons for many months to work as a young staff lawyer on the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of President Kennedy. The magic bullet?  All me.

My first work in politics was as a young Democratic Committeeman in Center City Philadelphia. I found the job fascinating. I worked hard to elect Democrats and I was successful. I did the same many years later when I was called myself a Republican.

And, it may surprise you, this will not be my first race as a Democrat. I ran for District Attorney of Philadelphia as a registered Democrat on the Republican ticket.

After that election I became a Republican because I felt that was the right thing to do since I had been elected on the Republican ticket. And, I kept my registration that way with the hope that I could be a moderate voice, and at times a liberal voice, on the other side of the aisle.

But now those efforts are over. Those efforts ended when I cast a critical vote for President Obama’s stimulus package. And the cat was firmly out of the bag, that as I stated blatantly in the preceding paragraph, that I was a liberal who simply used the Republican brand to get myself elected.

I would not stand by and join the obstructionist Republican straight party-line vote when the country faced the imminent prevent the prospect of a 1929 depression, the one that hit my family so hard by pursuing sane, rational economic policies.  In fact, the stimulus has been more wasteful than I had even imagined as unemployment has grown from 7.2% to 9.6% since I sold out my constituents.

It’s been noted that as your senator over the past 29 years, I’ve often been more popular among Democrats than among Republicans.

And if I’ve been popular with Democrats, it’s because I’ve stood for what you’ve stood for. Because I am, in fact, a liberal self serving individual.

Yes to increasing the minimum wage, because every working man and woman deserves a living wage. With this higher minimum wage, the six of you out of the original ten who would have gotten hired can now afford the gasoline I’ve worked so hard to tax.  The other four of you will benefit from my votes to expand welfare.

Yes to the right of a worker to organize a union. I know I said I would vote against this, but that was before Pennsylvania Republicans finally got sick of me and I was down in the polls to Pat Toomey by monster numbers.

Yes to the right of every citizen to be healthy, to get healthy and to stay healthy. Because when we nationalize health care, God help you if you get sick.

No to those who would eradicate stem cell research. Hey, I don’t mind killing babies.

Yes to liberating science to cure cancer and Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s and other maladies. Because scientists refuse to work when Republicans are in charge.

Yes to reproductive freedom. Unless you’re a fertilized egg, in which case, you’re pretty much screwed if your parents are hardcore liberals.

Yes to civil liberties even in time of war, because the defense of the Constitution is a battle to be fought and won in every war. Which is why, as a Democrat, I will help get rid of that pesky document.

No to judges who are stuck in the 18th century like Robert Bork whom I helped defeat and caught hell from the far right along the way. Because as well all know, nothing that came from the 1700’s, like capitalism, individual rights, self empowerment, and limited government, mean anything to me.

Yes to educational opportunity for every American of every talent or skill. I will work tirelessly to ensure your child is stuck in a government run, failing school like everyone else’s child.

Yes to a clean environment and to the green jobs we need to create. I have earmarked $2 billion dollars for a green screen so that you can get a CGI rendering of you working after I help to destroy the economy with Obama.

And last but not least, yes to a stimulus for our economy special interest groups when we are facing the greatest threat to our economic security system of kickbacks in three generations.

Yesterday I was pleased to come to Braddock to announce an award of 115 million dollars from the stimulus package. The locks and dams and Pittsburgh’s inland waterway system support 218,000 jobs directly and indirectly. The additional 115 million dollars will add 3,000 new jobs for this community. You’ll be glad to know, that no one will be keeping track of the spending or the jobs, though.

So what was the reaction of the far right my constituents to my vote for the stimulus package? The far right used me for target practice. And they didn’t like it when I wouldn’t stand still. A far better candidate, one with morals and spine emerged and began beating me mercilessly in the polls.

So I’m especially glad to be here with you, where I feel so welcome where I am begging you not to let Joe Sestak run against me. So welcome and so comfortable because we share core beliefs. Beliefs I have advanced and defended for decades even when my party was against me, even when it might cost me an election, even when my wonderful wife Joan might disagree with me – now those were the really tough times to stand my ground. Those core beliefs?  Do anything to win, this is my seat, I’m entitled to it damnit!  Screw the will of the people!

But it is my independence that has made me strong, made me better able to represent Pennsylvania, deliver for Pennsylvania and strong enough to come back to the party, where I started as an FDR, Kennedy Democrat.

And it is that independence that may result in our disagreeing sometimes.

I have voted 10,000 or more times and I don’t expect everyone to agree with all my votes. And even I don’t agree with some of those votes.

But I promise you this.

I promise that I will make you proud and keep you proud of me as your US Senator.

I promise I’ll come to your meetings. To beg for money.

I’ll be available to help with constituent problems Joe Biden tie his shoes. My office is noted for its constituent service and my branch offices in Pittsburgh, Erie, Harrisburg, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Allentown and Philadelphia will be available to help you and our constituents.

I will work hard to replace our great cheesesteak sucking, corrupt Governor Ed Rendell with a new Democratic governor and for our entire ticket. Many have asked me to help with your candidates this year and my answer has been and will remain: Yes. If you pay me.

I promise that if I’m fortunate enough to earn your support and be your nominee for Senate next year that I’ll carry the Democratic banner high.

Because we don’t need a Senator from Pennsylvania with a 97 percent lifetime rating from the American Conservative Union.

We don’t need a Senator who’s a tool of the far right a man of conviction.  We need an Obama shoe licking lackey.

We don’t need a Senator who says it’s his intention to sit in the back row and vote no on everything all those terrible, terrible bills that I voted yes on as he did for six years in the U.S. House of Representatives.

We don’t need a Senator who is far outside the mainstream answerable to the peoplea Senator who makes Rick Santorum look like a liberal… or a Senator who would take this state back to the political dark ages respectability.

We need a Senator who will say yes and vote yes when yes is the answer this state and this country need.

We need a Senator who can work with suck up to President Obama and who can help President Obama.

And we need a Senator who can work with Republicans the UAW and Democrats alike.

Because when the history of this century is told it must be a story your children and grandchildren are proud to tell.

Together, we can make that history when we’re destroyed by Pat Toomey in the general election and my pork loving, liberal leaning, self centered person is scouring the help wanted ads.  Thank you very much.