Archive for December, 2009

Obama: All Your Healthcare Are Belong to Us

By Caomhin

Everyone of the bums who voted for one sixth of the United States economy to become hostage to the government needs to be thrown out office.  This thing needs to be killed deader than Ted Kennedy as soon as possible (I don’t care who that offends, it’s the truth, and I’m tired of all this “Do it for Teddy” talk, they could say the same thing about leaving people for dead or for acting a fool at a bar).  Remember the so-called “Death Panels,” the “advisory boards” that would have a direct role in YOUR health care that Dems said wouldn’t be in the final bill?  They’re there.  From the Weekly Standard:

According to page 1001 of the Reid bill, the purpose of the Independent Medical Advisory Board is to “reduce the per capita rate of growth in Medicare spending.” For any fear mongers out there tempted to call an unelected body that recommends Medicare cuts a “Death Panel,” let me be clear. According to page 1004, IMAB proposals “shall not include any recommendation to ration health care”–you know, just like the bill says there’s no funding for abortion.

Your money being used to murder unborn children and paying the salaries of people who get to decide how to “administer” health care.  Awesome.  Do you feel better yet?

What else is in this slap in the face of the Founding Fathers?  Why taxes, taxes, taxes…of course!

Asked by National Public Radio whether he prefers the House version, which would tax wealthy individuals, or the Senate version, which would tax healthcare providers and generous insurance plans, Obama said he thinks “we’re going to end up seeing a little bit of both.”

“You are going to have some provisions that are smart that are in the House bill. There are going to be some provisions that are the right thing to do in the Senate bill,” Obama said, adding he thinks taxing so-called Cadillac plans is a good idea “that helps bend the cost curve.”

That’s just 2 of the taxes in this bill.  Medical Devices will be taxed as well.  Need and inhaler?  PAY UP!  Need an oxygen tank?  PAY UP!  Need any type of medical equipment?  PAY UP!  Have the Democrats EVER seen a tax increase they don’t like?  Of course they haven’t.  I imagine liberal idiots like Nancy Pelosi have dreams of taxes, not sugar plums dancing through her surgically altered head this time of year.

Never fear there, there is a way to repeal every part of this monstrosity through the system that has been in place since the start of this Republic right…right?

Section 3403 of Senator Harry Reid’s amendment requires that “it shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection.” The good news is that this only applies to one section of the Obamacare legislation. The bad news is that it applies to regulations imposed on doctors and patients by the Independent Medicare Advisory Boards a/k/a the Death Panels.

Section 3403 of Senator Reid’s legislation also states, “Notwithstanding rule XV of the Standing Rules of the Senate, a committee amendment described in subparagraph (A) may include matter not within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Finance if that matter is relevant to a proposal contained in the bill submitted under subsection (c)(3).” In short, it sets up a rule to ignore another Senate rule.

Senator Jim DeMint confronted the Democrats over Reid’s language. In the past, the Senate Parliamentarian has repeatedly determined that any legislation that also changes the internal standing rules of the Senate must have a two-thirds vote to pass because to change Senate rules, a two-thirds vote is required. Today, the Senate President, acting on the advice of the Senate Parliamentarian, ruled that these rules changes are actually just procedural changes and, despite what the actual words of the legislation say, are not rules changes. Therefore, a two-thirds vote is not needed in contravention to longstanding Senate precedent.

Constitution?  What Constitution?  You think Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama give a damn about our Constitution or our laws?  You think they give a damn about the people of this nation?  Hell no, otherwise they would have listened to one of the many, many, many, hell, any of the polls which showed our overwhelming opposition to this bill.  They couldn’t care less.

You want bribes?  You got bribes!  Ask Mary Landrieu or Ben Nelson about bribes, they did a phenomenal job of illustrating a text book definition of the word.  Disgusting.

Not one single Democrat in the Senate found government run insurance objectionable on moral, economic, or any other ground.  Not one single Democrats found government’s take over of our health care system to be an infringement on our individual rights.  Not one single Democrat was honest about the true cost of this debacle or told the American people the truth.  The only thing the Democrats wanted was a huge pile of cash stuffed in their coffers, much like the stimulus bill that has set us on a path toward 12% unemployment, and which I have argued before probably sets our natural unemployment rate from 3.5% to a new Obama created natural unemployment rate of 8%.  These are the epic failures who now will dictate health care to us, from consumption to manufacturing.  It is despicable.

Special shame on Mitch McConnell on this one for allowing the vote to be moved up in order to go home for Christmas.  You are the leader of the Senate GOP, you are an elected official to uphold the public trust, and you of all people know how much of a travesty this is to America, and you just say, oh well, let’s just go home?  A leader is supposed to fight to the last breath, a leader doesn’t skimp on the details.  If you can’t do the job, then let a real leader like Sen. Tom Coburn or Sen. Jim DeMint take over the lead.  I’m sure you knew when you took the job that you may have to work late hours.  Suck it up or get out of the way.  You’ve done some good things, but this is pathetic.

In closing I’d like the thank all of the liberals in Congress for giving us something special this Christmas, an IOU for the rest of our lives.  Thank you as well for kneecapping our ability to get QUALITY CARE from an effective private market which actually has competition and is not overseen by government bureaucracy.  Thank you for being aware that competition by buying insurance over state lines, in my case about 5 miles, was totally not something you were willing to consider so that you could get your hands on more of the money that I earn.  Thank you for making me work about 3.5 hours a day before I see on red cent of the money I earn in a day.  Thank you for putting us further in debt and insuring that our children will never be debt free in the eyes of our government.  Thank you for making our dollar rapidly lose value, for giving us the rare combination of a depression you created coupled with impending inflation.

Anything anyone can do to stop this nonsense should be done.  Flood the phone lines to the House and to Senate.  Donate any money you have to opponents of anyone who voted for this bill.  Talk to your families, your friends, your coworkers, strangers, anyone who will listen.  One dark horse here that is a long shot, but is totally worth it, is to start making calls on behalf of Republican candidate for Senate, Scott Brown, of Massachusetts.  You can sign up to make calls on his website.  If he pulls off the upset of the millennium, we kill Obamacare.  Do it now, call everyone in Massachusetts 500 times if you have to and keep calling your elected officials.  Write letters, get to action.  They don’t have much more work to do to ensure the demise of both our health care industry and our economy.  It has to be stopped to protect the future of this nation.  Whatever you can do, do it.

Rendell, Synonym for Tax and Spend

By Caomhin

Seriously, if there is anyone in Pennsylvania (besides Rendell’s cronies in Philadelphia) who isn’t counting down the days until Fast Eddy is out of office, I don’t know them.  Honestly, I don’t know a single person who can’t wait until he leaves Harrisburg.  Perhaps then he will have a reason to not fulfill the duties of governor and do some sports broadcasting.  Everything this guy touches turns into a disaster, it’s the opposite of the Midas touch.

So what’s Ed Rendell up to these days?  Well, you already know, but Rendell is still chasing his dream, one that will hurt Pennsylvanians even more as Governor Fail heads out of office.  That dream?  To raise taxes and the cost of living on every Pennsylvanian:

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell will press for another increase in public school funding and a tax on natural gas production when he presents his last state budget in February.

But the Democrat wouldn’t say today whether he will use his final year in office to try to head off a fiscal “tsunami” that he warns is headed toward Pennsylvania after his term ends.

True indeed, Rendell has seriously destroyed the Commonwealth’s balance sheet and he has single handedly caused many, many, of the issues facing our beloved Commonwealth today.  Yet, despite his warning that he has so seriously destroyed our state’s finances that he’s calling it a financial “tsunami”, he is looking to….raise taxes and increase spending.  It’s bad enough that our state sits on enough coal to be self sufficient in power generation that we aren’t allowed to touch, now this clown is trying to raise the cost of production (which we all know will be passed on to consumers) of natural gas, yet another energy source that we have in abundance, but damned if we can’t make our lives a little better without the government getting fat off our labor.  It’s a joke.  As far as school funding, our school performed at a higher rate before Captain Cheesesteak took the reigns of the office.

Say what you want about Tom Ridge, hell I’m a conservative and I’ve had some issues with him, but as a governor, he did great with our state.  We weren’t facing a financial calamity as we are now.  I think the unwritten rule of politics is that if a Liberal takes control of the Executive Branch, you are in for a world of hurt.  Try and prove me wrong on that.  California, Massachusetts, New Jersey (who thankfully elected Chris Christie to try and at least minimize the destruction of that state done by Jon Corzine), etc., all have imminent financial crises.  Don’t say Gov. Terminator either, he’s a liberal when it comes to financial matters.  Look our nation right now, Obama, king liberal, is in charge, and what has he done so far?  Spent nearly $2 Trillion in less than 1 year, is on the verge of socializing our health care, which will send that bill skyrocketing, and is slowly but surely turning the US dollar into monopoly money.

You want a functioning, financially health government?  You may or may not get it with a member of the GOP or the Libertarians (there are some great holder of public trust out there and believe me, I will be covering that in detail soon enough), but you sure as hell won’t get it with a liberal.  Keep that in mind next time you vote.  If you value things like getting medical treatment, heating your home, having a job, being able to keep enough of your paycheck to maybe buy a pizza once a week, then don’t vote for a liberal.  If it helps, just think of Ed Rendell or Obama reaching their grubby little hands into your pockets, opening your wallet, taking your cash, and saying, “it’s ok baby, it’s all Bush’s fault anyway,” and then lighting the cash on fire, because, really, it’s what they’re doing anyway.

Obama: Give Me What I Want Or I’ll Take it Anyway

By Caomhin

Very easy to read between the lines here.  At issue is, of course, emissions control, though if we could cut his BS in half, the world would be a better place much more rapidly.  You see, Obama has a very big frown on his face because he hasn’t had his climate bill pass and he’s currently over in Copenhagen trying to figure out how to further kneecap our economy and personal freedoms without having to be the one to take personal responsibility for it when it comes to pass.

Check this out:

The Obama administration is warning Congress that if it doesn’t move to regulate greenhouse gases, the Environmental Protection Agency will take a “command-and-control” role over the process in a way that could hurt business.

But while administration officials have long said they prefer Congress take action on climate change, the economic official who spoke with reporters Tuesday night made clear that the EPA will not wait and is prepared to act on its own.

And it won’t be pretty.

“If you don’t pass this legislation, then … the EPA is going to have to regulate in this area,” the official said. “And it is not going to be able to regulate on a market-based way, so it’s going to have to regulate in a command-and-control way, which will probably generate even more uncertainty.”

See how that works?  If Congress doesn’t give him what he wants, he’s just going to use and arm of the Executive Branch to implement his plans and bypass Congress.  Basically, once again, we are seeing contempt for the separation of powers that were enacted to protect the people of this nation from an overreaching government, no matter which branch was stepping out of bounds.  In this case, Obama is clearly trying to strong arm Congress, essentially threatening them.

Nearly everything we do and purchase involves carbon.  I guess that goes without say though, seeing as we exhale carbon every time we breath.  Obama is seeking to impose penalties upon people not just for doing business but by simply existing.  Heat you home? That’s a taxing.  Eat a meal?  That’s a taxing.  Drive a car?  That’s a taxing.  It is unacceptable and we can not stand for this, ever.  The only thing worse than implementing this at all, before alternative technologies can be developed (we still don’t have a truly viable battery which would allow wind and solar to become much more viable) is refusing to allow proven alternative sources (such as nuclear, natural gas, etc.) from coming to the market place.  All of this, of course, is being done at a time when Liberal economic policies have hung America with an unemployment rate of over 10%, which some are forecasting to rise to over 12%, a spiraling national debt, many of our allies feeling snubbed (the most recent of which is Norway), and a myriad of other issues which all should have been at least in part remedied by logical, simple solutions, all of which have been ignored or dismissed by the current Administration in favor of plans which have exacerbated the issues.

Rick Santorum Still Testing the Waters

By Caomhin

Very interesting to me on a number of fronts.  Being from Pennsylvania, I have the opportunity to know Santorum pretty well in terms of how hard of a worker he is and where his convictions lay.  It was a shame when he lost to Bob Casey in 2006, actually I was pretty upset by it, as it left us with Arlen Specter (Specter – PA), as the only “Republican” Senator the Commonwealth had, and as we all know (Republicans and Democrats alike), Sen. Specter is very much concerned with the Specter Party of PA and couldn’t care less about the GOP or the Democrats.

Casey was pretty popular in PA at the time as many people knew about his public work but not in complete detail.  Many people tend to forget that his father, an old Democrat, and someone with whom I disagreed with on many issues, but respected in general, was and is still very, very popular.  I highly doubt you’ll see the younger Casey duplicate his success in 2012 as he is so very out of touch with Pennsylvanians and in lock step with Obama, but we have a great deal of time to touch on that in the future.

I know more than a few people who know Rick Santorum personally, and I’ve never heard a negative word about the man, how he carries himself, how great he is with his family, etc.  Everything I know and have heard about him is that he’s the real deal, he walks the walk and talks the talk, he’s more concerned about doing the right thing than winning elections, which is the only attitude that’s acceptable in politics to me.  He is a tried and true conservative and strongly appeals to my fiscally conservative side and while I’m not as socially conservative as some (and yes, I am Catholic) he will have a strong appeal to that part of our coalition as well.  He is also very strong on national defense.  It’s still early in the season, but I’m very happy that he is in the discussion as we move forward.

Media Bias Headline of the Year

By Caomhin

Not to mention delusional.  Not only is the headline stunningly insane, the context is as well.  Yet still, somehow, there are many a Democrat who think there is no such thing as media bias.  It’s called reality, my friends, the least you can do is acknowledge it.

If you can stand to read the entire article, you really start to get the sense that our friends on the Left really wish there wasn’t such pesky things as checks and balances preventing Obama from being ordained emperor of the United States.  Actually, you hear it all the time in discussions with many Liberals, calling the GOP “obstructionist,” blaming Congress for not just handing Obama what he wants, or anything else they think may keep Obama from just having supreme authority and having all the stars in the sky named after him.

The funny thing is, it’s not the GOP who is stopping him, it’s his own party. After all, the Democrats have a super majority and are essentially powerless to stop him.  It’s the American people’s opposition to his horrendous policies that have stopped moderate Democrats from fast tracking this nation’s ruin.  Obama has put us so far in debt, has contributed to what is, in my view, a criminal, politically fueled unemployment rate, and increasing encroaches on person freedoms, that Democrats with a sense of obligation and a moral compass aren’t blindly jumping on board with his plans.  Then again, maybe that’s too much credit for them.  Maybe they’re just looking for payoffs like Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.